Plagiarism Policy

Kashf Journal of Linguistics upholds the highest standards of academic integrity and expects all authors to adhere to ethical research and writing practices. This Plagiarism Policy outlines the journal's stance on plagiarism and related misconduct, and the procedures for handling such cases.

1. Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of presenting the work of others as one's own without proper attribution. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copying verbatim from another source without citation.
  • Paraphrasing the ideas or wording of another source without citation.
  • Claiming ownership of another person's research findings or creative work.
  • Self-plagiarism, which is reusing one's own published work without proper citation.

2. Acceptable Use of Material from Other Sources

Authors are encouraged to use and cite relevant sources to support their arguments and claims. However, all borrowed material must be properly attributed through citations and references. Acceptable use of material from other sources includes:

  • Quoting directly from a source while enclosing the text in quotation marks and providing a citation.
  • Paraphrasing the ideas of another source while providing a citation.
  • Summarizing the findings of another source while providing a citation.

3. Consequences of Plagiarism

Any manuscript submitted to Kashf Journal of Linguistics that is found to contain plagiarism will be subject to the following consequences:

  • Rejection of the manuscript: Manuscripts with substantial plagiarism will be automatically rejected without further review.
  • Notification of authors and institutions: The authors and their affiliated institutions will be notified of the plagiarism and the decision to reject the manuscript.
  • Publication of retraction notice: In cases of severe plagiarism, the journal may publish a retraction notice to alert the research community of the misconduct.
  • Blacklisting of authors: Authors who engage in repeat plagiarism may be blacklisted from submitting future manuscripts to the journal.

4. Detection of Plagiarism

Kashf Journal of Linguistics uses plagiarism detection software to screen all submitted manuscripts. Additionally, reviewers are trained to identify and report instances of plagiarism.

5. Appeals

Authors who disagree with the decision to reject their manuscript on the grounds of plagiarism may appeal the decision to the Editor-in-Chief. All appeals must be submitted in writing and accompanied by supporting evidence.

6. Commitment to Ethical Research and Publishing

Kashf Journal of Linguistics is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical research and publishing. We believe that originality and proper attribution are essential to the advancement of knowledge and the integrity of the academic community. We encourage all authors to uphold these principles by submitting original and properly cited work.